More about us

okay i guess you really want to know some more about the people we are becuase have clicked
on the “more about us button” little strange. hahah i am just joking i think it is cool. enjoy this little video that explains a little more about the people we are and what we enjoy doing when we are not out there taking pictures and saving the world.


now for a little more copy just to make the website look even better, to give it that zest, that little cherry on the top. So basically if you have not noticed this bit of text is super pointless and you do not need to read anything here, seriously why are you still reading i promise i am not writing anything of importance, but i will say this, my favourite movie of all time is Titanic by James Cameron in my opinion it is a cinema master piece and the behind scenes of the movie are incredible. okay enough, i wish you an amazing rest of your day and thank you for reading and going through website if there is anything we can help you with please shoot us a message.

with gratitude
Michael & Daria